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Last Updated:
January 27, 2025

Unlock 330+ Automations to Power Up Your Shopify Store

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Streamline your business operations with a sophisticated suite of workflow automations tailored for Shopify users. This tool offers an extensive library of pre-made tasks designed to enhance productivity without the constraints of usage limits, making it suitable for both small shops and large enterprises alike.

Users can effortlessly select, modify, or create custom automations, leveraging the power of Liquidβ€”the programming language integrated within Shopify. This functionality enables seamless integration with the Shopify API, allowing for an intuitive approach to enhance store management without extensive coding knowledge.

Transform routine tasks into automated processes and free up valuable time to focus on growth and strategy. Tailor workflows specifically to your business needs and witness a significant uplift in operational efficiency. Unlock the full potential of your Shopify store today.


Automate processes with 350+ pre-built automations
Utilize Liquid coding language for efficient task execution
Design custom functionalities tailored to your unique Shopify needs
Replace custom apps and infrastructure with a robust development platform
Access Mechanic’s freelancer community for support without a developer.


Unleash scalable growth by implementing automation strategies that evolve with your business, freeing up workforce resources for other critical tasks
Boost overall operational efficiency by harnessing the power of over 350 pre-built automations, resulting in a rapid increase in order processing and fulfillment speed
Save significantly on development costs by replacing custom apps and infrastructure with Mechanic’s comprehensive functionality, and its ability to be tailored to your unique needs.

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1942 Broadway, STE 314C, Boulder, CO, 80302-5233, US
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Owlfred Review

Whooo-weee! Automation just got a whole lot easier and more flexible with the one-of-a-kind Shopify app – Mechanic. The brainchild of Lightward, it offers an astonishing 330+ pre-made automations and a complete development platform to boost your shop's productivity, all from a meager $16/month. It hits a solid five out of five stars based on 141 reviews, which means it's been thoroughly tested by a flock of happy users! Designed to scale from small businesses to Plus-sized enterprises, Mechanic smoothly integrates with Shopify Flow, email, liquid, FTP, PDF, API, and webhook. With Mechanic's incredible power, you can easily automate processes like emails, file transfers, API integrations, and more. The owl's hoot is this: you don't need a developer, just tap into the community of skilled freelancers within Mechanic. Whether you're looking for a simple task automation or a full-scale development platform, this app's got you covered like a warm nest in winter.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can the Mechanic app help me manage business growth?
The Mechanic app provides strategic automation solutions that can scale with your business. It is designed to elevate your Shopify functionalities and adapt to growing businesses of all sizes.
Does the Mechanic app offer any premade automation tasks?
Yes. The Mechanic app offers hundreds of predetermined automation tasks, specifically designed to streamline operations and boost efficiency.
Does the Mechanic app allow for customisation?
Absolutely. The Mechanic app is also a robust development framework. This empowers you to design and fine-tune custom functionalities to meet your unique Shopify needs.
What language does the Mechanic app use for task execution?
The Mechanic app utilises Liquid, the coding language inherent to Shopify. This allows you to exploit your existing knowledge of Liquid to leverage the full potential of the Shopify Admin API.

Shopify App Comparison: Mechanic vs Order Automator - which is better?

When comparing the capabilities of Mechanic App and Order Automator, both apps offer powerful automation solutions for eCommerce businesses. However, Mechanic App stands out for its adaptability and flexibility, providing the unlimited potential to elevate Shopify functionalities. With over 300 pre-built automations and the ability to design custom functionalities tailored to unique Shopify needs, Mechanic App empowers businesses of all sizes to streamline operations and boost efficiency. Additionally, the app utilizes the Liquid coding language, enabling users to create a hyper-efficient and bespoke eCommerce engine. With no restrictions on task installations, Mechanic App is an ideal tool for sales growth, order fulfillment, and inventory control.

In comparison, Order Automator focuses on streamlining business operations by relentlessly monitoring orders and ensuring seamless transaction alignment. This app eliminates the need for manual oversight and constant order review, allowing merchants to effortlessly manage large volumes of transactions. It offers features such as automatically tagging orders and customers, integrating Amazon FBA for inventory syncing and fulfillment, and preventing fraudulent orders by automatically canceling them or flagging suspicious transactions. While Order Automator provides valuable automation capabilities, its focus is more specific to order processing and fraud prevention compared to the broader functionality and customization options offered by Mechanic App.

Mechanic Shopify AppMechanic
Order Automator Shopify AppOrder Automator
Average Rating 4.9 out of 5 5 out of 5
Number of Reviews 169 89
Estimated Installs 0 0
Min Price $16.00 $0.00
Max Price $199.00 $10.00
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