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The best delivery and pickup apps for Shopify in 2024

Written by
Adam Sturrock
Published on
May 7, 2024

Shopify, the popular e-commerce platform with millions of active stores, continues to be a go-to choice for a wide range of merchants. From small businesses to well-established brands, Shopify offers scalability and flexibility to meet various needs.

One essential aspect of running a successful online store is ensuring smooth delivery and pickup processes. In 2024, with the e-commerce industry booming, having the right delivery and pickup apps for your Shopify store can make a significant difference in customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.

With a plethora of options available in the Shopify App Store, selecting the best delivery and pickup apps tailored to your store's needs is crucial for streamlining order fulfillment and enhancing the overall shopping experience for your customers.

Whether you are a newbie looking to optimize your store's delivery options or a seasoned merchant aiming to enhance your pickup processes, the right apps can help you stay ahead of the competition and boost your store's performance.

In this guide, we will explore the top delivery and pickup apps for Shopify in 2024, catering to merchants of all levels and sizes. These recommended apps are designed to help you manage and improve your store's delivery and pickup operations effectively, driving growth and customer satisfaction.

Shopify, the leading e-commerce platform, is home to over 2 million active stores, representing a substantial 20% of the global e-commerce market. Shopify is especially renowned for accommodating a diverse range of merchants, from newcomers setting up their first store to large enterprises and household brands. Shopify's accessibility for beginners and scalability for major businesses make it an ideal choice for many individuals and businesses.

The platform provides a wide array of free and paid templates, effectively reducing development costs. Additionally, there are specialized Shopify agencies and experts proficient in handling a wide variety of requirements, offering a valuable resource for those who might otherwise need to build a comprehensive in-house team.

However, with over 7,000 Shopify apps available, choosing the right delivery and pickup apps for your Shopify store is crucial for effective business growth and efficient operation. This selection process and the resulting delivery and pickup apps utilized can significantly impact the management and scalability of a Shopify store.

With this in mind, this guide has been crafted with beginner eCommerce store owners to ambitious and sophisticated Shopify businesses in mind. The Shopify delivery and pickup apps we've selected are also immensely beneficial for medium and large Shopify stores that aim to outshine their competitors.

Let's dive into our top delivery and pickup app recommendations for Shopify!

#1 Shopify App Award

1. Packlink PRO Shipping Platform

Packlink PRO Shipping PlatformPacklink PRO Shipping PlatformChoose the pricing policy to show your customersPacklink PRO Shipping PlatformPacklink PRO Shipping PlatformChoose the pricing policy to show your customers

Optimize and automate shipping operations with the comprehensive shipping platform. Import orders, print shipping labels, and manage picking and packing from the convenience of a unified dashboard. Streamline the order fulfillment process while enhancing customer satisfaction by offering a plethora of shipping options at the checkout stage.

Leverage an array of over 30 world-class carriers and gain from pre-negotiated, exclusive shipping rates. Customize delivery methods by offering options such as home delivery, same-day and evening delivery, thus catering to diverse customer preferences and needs. This functionality lets you enhance store flexibility, increase the efficiency of operations, and ultimately facilitate an improved shopping experience for your customers.

This shipping platform goes a step further to provide solutions that translate to better sales performance. Offer your customers unrivaled flexibility with a multitude of delivery options, allowing for an improved buyer experience and ensuring repeat business.

Packlink PRO Shipping Platform is developed and maintained by AUCTANE S.L.U..

Packlink PRO Shipping Platform has an average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars with 909 reviews from Shopify stores.

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#2 Shopify App Award

2. Address Validator Plus

Address Validator PlusAddress Validator Plusaddress validation to prevent common shipping address issuesAddress Validator PlusAddress Validator Plusaddress validation to prevent common shipping address issues

Address Validator Plus is a must-have tool for Shopify merchants seeking to maintain impeccable customer satisfaction levels and minimize logistical headaches. With the primary aim of correcting shipment errors resulting from inaccurate or incomplete customer data, this application plays a vital role in ensuring each parcel reaches its rightful destination.

Specifically designed to counter the costs and frustrations associated with failed deliveries, Address Validator Plus operates by rigorously assessing the validity of customer-provided shipping details. Whether it's missing apartment numbers, false house numbers, or erroneous abbreviations, this application is adept at detecting these issues and intervening before the order confirmation stage. This preemptive problem-solving aspect reduces instances of reshipments and refunds, allowing for a smoother e-commerce operation.

But it's not just about cost avoidance. The intrinsic value of this application lies in its ability to improve the customer experience seamlessly. By mitigating post-purchase issues, it helps to drastically decrease the volume of customer service requests, freeing up resources and increasing overall customer satisfaction. A power solution for nurturing trust and efficiency in online retail operations.

Address Validator Plus is developed and maintained by RoboTurk.

Address Validator Plus has an average rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars with 215 reviews from Shopify stores.

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#3 Shopify App Award

3. Order Deadline

Order DeadlineOrder DeadlineEstimated delivery app for Shopify - urgency - Best AppsOrder DeadlineOrder DeadlineEstimated delivery app for Shopify - urgency - Best Apps

Ensure top-notch customer satisfaction and drive more sales with an advanced tool that transforms the way online shoppers perceive product delivery dates. This tool caters to the consumer's burning questions of "When will I get it?" and "How long do I have left to order?" by displaying accurate, real-time shipping & delivery estimates on product pages.

With this application, ambiguity surrounding delivery timelines is a thing of the past. It actively calculates delivery dates based on your unique settings, adding a layer of transparency and reliability to the shopping experience.

For an added touch of professionalism, the app enables you to save these calculated dates. This means they can be conveniently used in notification emails or integrated seamlessly into your order handling processes. By providing strategic, accurate information on delivery times, this tool empowers businesses to build credibility, bolster customer trust, and enhance the shopping experience, while ultimately turning avid browsers into confirmed buyers.

Order Deadline is developed and maintained by Evil Egg Software Limited.

Order Deadline has an average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars with 138 reviews from Shopify stores.

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4. Plex: Delivery Estimation Date

Plex: Delivery Estimation DatePlex: Delivery Estimation DateBefore ordering, We give your customer delivery datePlex: Delivery Estimation DatePlex: Delivery Estimation DateBefore ordering, We give your customer delivery date

Elevate the shopping experience for your customers with our reliable delivery estimation app. Knowing when their purchases will arrive isn't merely a passing curiosity for modern consumers, it's an essential factor influencing their buying decisions. Our app empowers merchants to meet this need, providing transparent and precise delivery dates for each product.

The app's intuitive admin interface allows merchants to customize the delivery date display in line with their preferences. Format, language, typography, and colors can all be individually adjusted to align with your unique brand image. Tailored icons further enhance visual communication, aiding in user understanding.

Each product within your eCommerce store can be assigned an independent delivery date, providing an unparalleled level of accuracy and detail. This granular control not only helps satisfy customer curiosity but also fosters trust in your brand, contributing to higher conversion rates and improved customer loyalty. Optimize the transparency of your transactions and keep your customers informed with our convenient and adaptable delivery estimation app.

Plex: Delivery Estimation Date is developed and maintained by Pleximus.

Plex: Delivery Estimation Date has an average rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars with 177 reviews from Shopify stores.

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Plex: Delivery Estimation DateParcely.appCheckout view.Plex: Delivery Estimation DateParcely.appCheckout view.

Streamline your shipping process and empower your customers with a comprehensive range of delivery options right at your store checkout using the app. This tool integrates seamlessly with numerous leading shipping service providers like Omniva, DPD, DHL, Zasilkovna, and others, allowing your customers to effortlessly select their preferred pick-up point location.

This powerful functionality enhances customer convenience, potentially driving up your store's checkout conversion rates. Moreover, it caters to business needs with an option to effortlessly export orders and print shipping labels for various integrated shipping service providers, saving valuable operational time and resources.

Moving beyond standard delivery facilities, the app elevates your customer service further by enabling automatic tracking code addition to order confirmation emails when needed. This feature offers customers real-time visibility on their order status, instilling trust and building a loyal customer base. It's the app for the E-commerce merchant who values not only their time but also their customers’ shopping experience. is developed and maintained by Pulsev. has an average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars with 65 reviews from Shopify stores.

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We hope you found this guide on the top delivery and pickup apps for Shopify useful.

Did we miss an app you think should be included in this guide, please let us know!

Top Shopify delivery and pickup apps FAQ

Which delivery and pickup apps do I need for my Shopify store?

You’ll want to take advantage of the many delivery and pickup apps and integrations available to make your Shopify store the best it can be. Every delivery and pickup app highlighted in this article can help take your Shopify store to the next level! With that said, if you can't find what you're looking for in this guide, we recommend checking our comprehensive list of every Shopify delivery and pickup app!

What is the best delivery and pickup app for Shopify?

The Shopify App Store is always adding new apps, but by analyzing merchant reviews, average ratings, estimated install counts, pricing and other signals we've identified that Packlink PRO Shipping Platform is one of the top Shopify delivery and pickup apps available for merchants in 2024.

With that said, it’s not always the best idea to just go for the most popular app or our recommendations. Always look at how many Shopify stars the app has and what the reviews are saying about the app itself. Where possible, we highly recommend testing apps you are considering by leveraging free trials before commiting to any fixed monthly subscription costs.

Why do I need to install a Shopify delivery and pickup app?

Whilst Shopify comes with a broad range of features and capabilities out of the box, many delivery and pickup apps go above and beyond what Shopify can provide. Every store has unique requirements and a diverse range of apps are available to meet these needs.

How many delivery and pickup apps are recommended for Shopify?

We recommend including atleast one delivery and pickup app for your Shopify store if this type of app would be beneficial for your store. There are a lot of free options out there and some great delivery and pickup apps that will help you run your business as smoothly as possible.

Can I build my own custom delivery and pickup app for Shopify?

The short answer is yes ofcourse! Shopify provides a lot of great documentation to build delivery and pickup apps.

The longer answer is that you should weigh up the upfront time, resources and costs of building a custom apps vs finding a delivery and pickup app that handles the majority of your requirements for free or for a low monthly fee.

Ofcourse if you can't find a suitable delivery and pickup Shopify app to meet your needs then it's definitely worth investigating what it would take to build the app of your dreams!


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