Last Updated:
June 13, 2024

Download GST-ready invoices. Generate invoices automatically and calculate GST based on fulfillment location.

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Streamline your invoicing process with this proficient tool designed specifically for Indian merchants. This application effortlessly generates GST-ready invoices, eliminating the necessity for third-party software, and saving you precious time. It collates your order data and autonomously creates invoices, flawlessly integrating into your workflow.

Highlighting efficiency, this tool further simplifies your task by offering automated customer emails. Your customers can effortlessly download their invoices through an email link, enhancing their shopping experience and proactively resolving any potential issues.

This feature-rich tool takes into account your business operational specifics, allowing GST calculations based on the fulfillment location. This indispensable feature is ideal for businesses operating from multiple locations as it facilitates accurate GST calculations based on fulfilled inventory location.

Join hundreds of successful Shopify merchants who rely on this versatile tool to streamline their financial processes while ensuring regulatory compliance. This application is a smart investment that promises a hassle-free invoicing process and gets you back in control of your time and productivity.


Generate branded invoices with customizable store information to create a professional look
Access helpful sales reports for GSTR-3B and GSTR-1 returns, ensuring easy tax compliance
Support multi-location fulfillment with different GST numbers for accurate calculations
Choose from 4 unique invoice templates for personalized invoicing
Easily generate e-Invoices in json format for seamless compliance with e-Invoicing requirements.


Automate GST-ready invoice generation, saving you time and eliminating the need for third-party software
Enhance customer experience with automated invoice delivery via email, improving shopping experience and resolving issues promptly
Facilitate accurate GST calculations based on multiple fulfillment locations, ensuring compliance and efficient financial processes

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Shopify POS , GST Invoice


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Owlfred Review

WebPlanex’s GST Invoice India app is a fantastic solution for Shopify merchants operating within the Indian market, assisting in avoiding the headaches typically associated with tax invoicing. This app is designed to neatly integrate within your Shopify storefront, effortlessly fetching order details to generate GST-compliant invoices automatically. A unique strength of this app is its multi-location fulfilment feature, allowing GST calculations based on different inventory locations. Plus, with a variety of customizable invoice templates, personal branding on your invoices has never felt so easy! Given its rave reviews (a sterling 4.9 out of 5 from nearly 300 users) this app is widely cherished for its capabilities. Starting at just $4.99 per month with a trial for 3 days, and providing sales reports ready for GSTR-3B and GSTR-1 returns, every Indian based Shopify merchant should strongly consider adding GST Invoice India to their tech stack.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get a GST invoice with WebPlanex: GST Invoice India?
With WebPlanex: GST Invoice India, you can generate and download GST invoices directly on the platform. Utilize their feature-rich invoice builder to create GST-compliant invoices and directly email them to customers or save as PDF.
What information does WebPlanex: GST Invoice India require for GST invoices?
WebPlanex: GST Invoice India requires relevant information like your GST Number, client's name and GSTIN, taxable value of goods or services, and applicable GST rate to generate a GST-compliant invoice.
How does WebPlanex: GST Invoice India assist with e-invoicing?
WebPlanex: GST Invoice India aids in e-invoicing by enabling the creation of electronic invoices that can be downloaded as a PDF or sent via email. It makes GST-compliant e-invoices a breeze.
How does WebPlanex: GST Invoice India handle GST on invoices?
WebPlanex: GST Invoice India automatically calculates and includes relevant GST on all invoices based on the input GST rate and taxable value of goods or services. This ensures all your invoices are GST-compliant.

Shopify App Comparison: WebPlanex: GST Invoice India vs Order Printer Pro: Invoice App - which is better?

We have reviewed two powerful apps that cater to different aspects of invoicing and order management. First, WebPlanex: GST Invoice India is a comprehensive tool designed specifically for Indian merchants. It not only generates GST-ready invoices but also automates the entire process, eliminating the need for third-party software. This app excels in facilitating accurate GST calculations based on multiple fulfillment locations, which is ideal for businesses operating from different places. The seamless integration into your workflow and the ability to send automated customer emails with downloadable invoices further enhance the shopping experience for your customers. With its efficiency and regulatory compliance, WebPlanex is a smart investment for any Shopify merchant.

On the other hand, Order Printer Pro: Invoice App offers a different set of capabilities that focus on streamlining order management and personalizing customer experience. Its key features include the ability to bulk print customized invoices, packing slips, and returns forms with your store logo and colors. The app also supports multiple languages and currencies, ensuring that no market is left untapped. Additionally, the app allows for the automation of PDF links in invoices, simplifying the fulfillment process. With dedicated 24/7 support, you can confidently handle any operational challenges that may arise. Order Printer Pro stands as a robust solution for growing businesses of all sizes, providing a seamless branding experience and efficient order management.

Overall, both apps have their unique strengths and benefits. If you are an Indian merchant looking for GST compliance and streamlined financial processes, we highly recommend WebPlanex. However, if your focus is on personalized branding, order management, and global expansion, Order Printer Pro is the app for you. Consider your specific needs and goals to determine which app aligns best with your business requirements.

WebPlanex: GST Invoice India Shopify AppWebPlanex: GST Invoice India
Order Printer Pro: Invoice App Shopify AppOrder Printer Pro: Invoice App
Average Rating 4.9 out of 5 4.9 out of 5
Number of Reviews 374 1261
Estimated Installs 0 0
Min Price $4.99 $0.00
Max Price $49.90 $10.00
Works With Shopify POS , GST Invoice Shopify POS , Order Printer, Order Printer Templates, OrderlyEmails, Point of Sale, Store Pickup + Delivery, Infinite Options
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