OnVoard Reviews

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Powerfully automate product reviews with a clean user interface and GDPR compliance.

What Owlfred thinks...

OnVoard Reviews is a fantastic app for turning your product reviews into a powerful marketing engine, with features like review request emails, customizable widgets, and GDPR-compliant hosting in the EU.

This is a great Shopify app that will help you grow your Shopify store faster!

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Last Updated:
May 29, 2024

Turn Product Reviews Into a Powerful Marketing Engine

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Improve your customer interaction and increase sales conversion with a user-friendly reviews widget that offers unparalleled automation features. This tool allows merchants to seamlessly integrate post-purchase review request emails in their sales process, ensuring they never miss an opportunity to collect invaluable customer feedback.

Should a customer refrain from leaving a review, the highly efficient system follows up through reminder emails, ensuring the review request doesn't get lost in the clutter. To incentivize customers for their contribution and build brand loyalty, review respondents are rewarded with discount coupons, fostering an interactive and engaging shopping experience.

The platform places paramount importance on data security, with all data and servers being hosted within the European Union, complying with the stringent standards of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Furthermore, users are notified when their feedback has been responded to, ensuring transparency and maintaining trust. This app is geared to drive traffic, boost conversions, and enhance customer loyalty with its strategic and automated review collection process.


Customize styles and text for widgets with the style editor
Collect photo and video reviews to enhance customer feedback
Mobile optimization for seamless user experience across devices
Translate the widget into any language for international markets
Create a reviews collector page with custom branded URL for a unique branding experience.


Increase customer engagement and trust with automated post-purchase review request emails, boosting review collection rates.
Drive repeat purchases and increase average order value by incentivizing customers with discount coupons for leaving reviews, fostering brand loyalty.
Enhance data security and build trust with customers by hosting data within the EU and notifying users when their feedback has been addressed, ensuring transparency and compliance with GDPR regulations.

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Owlfred Review

"Who, who" wouldn't like an app that turns product reviews into a powerhouse of marketing? OnVoard Reviews is the quintessential owl's friend for Shopify merchants. An EU-hosted gem that not only sends review request emails after purchases and reminders if users forget to review, but it also rewards users who leave reviews with discount coupons, with a reminder that their reviews have been responded to. Its servers and data nest securely within the EU, standing tall for GDPR. But 'hoot' are we if we don't marvel at its versatile style editor, ability to collect photo and video reviews, mobile optimization, and language translation for widgets. Need more? It even supports custom branded URLs on its review collector page. It's a rare owl that has only 3 reviews but boasts a perfect average rating of 5! While it might not highlight a flashy install count, don't be hoodwinked; many Shopify merchants use this as their backend charm. Can we say hoot-nanny? With pricing from $7.90 per month, it's a small investment for a beak-loads of features. OnVoard Reviews, the silent wings in the Shopify night, making your products fly off the shelves!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can positive reviews influence my marketing?
Positive reviews can greatly influence your marketing by improving company reputation and boosting customer trust. They can also increase conversions as potential customers often heavily rely on reviews to make purchasing decisions
Do product reviews improve search engine optimization (SEO)?
Yes product reviews can enhance SEO. User-generated content such as reviews can help with rankings as search engines view it as fresh and unique content. These reviews can also increase keyword-rich content on product pages.
What role do customer reviews play in marketing?
Customer reviews play a critical role in marketing. They provide social proof which can significantly influence purchasing decisions, strengthen your brand credibility, and foster customer trust. Moreover, they can help improve SEO and increase online visibility.
Are reviews a part of the marketing strategy?
Indeed, reviews are a vital part of a marketing strategy. They can be leveraged in various marketing materials, serve as powerful user-generated content, and help businesses understand their customers better and improve their products or services. They also play a fundamental role in reputation management.

Shopify App Comparison: OnVoard Reviews vs Stamped Product Reviews & UGC - which is better?

When comparing the OnVoard Reviews app with the Stamped Product Reviews & UGC app, we find that both platforms offer valuable features for businesses looking to enhance customer engagement and boost sales. However, there are some key differences that set them apart.

OnVoard Reviews stands out with its highly efficient automation features, allowing merchants to seamlessly integrate post-purchase review request emails into their sales process. The platform also offers incentives for customers to leave reviews, such as discount coupons, fostering brand loyalty and increasing average order value. Additionally, OnVoard Reviews prioritizes data security by hosting data within the European Union and complying with GDPR regulations, ensuring transparency and maintaining trust with customers. Overall, this app is geared towards driving traffic, boosting conversions, and enhancing customer loyalty with its strategic and automated review collection process.

On the other hand, Stamped Product Reviews & UGC app offers a comprehensive suite of engagement tools, including NPS surveys and photo/video reviews. The platform also features a Community Q&A function, facilitating interactive conversations and yielding enriched customer insights. With inbuilt moderation and commenting capabilities, businesses can easily manage customer feedback and maintain an open line of communication with their patrons. Stamped Product Reviews & UGC app focuses on turning customers into a community, resulting in increased revenue and enriched customer engagement.

Based on the unique needs of your business, we recommend the OnVoard Reviews app for its seamless integration with the sales process, automation features, and data security measures. However, if you're looking for a platform that emphasizes customer engagement and the power of user-generated content, the Stamped Product Reviews & UGC app would be a great choice.

OnVoard Reviews Shopify AppOnVoard Reviews
Stamped Product Reviews & UGC Shopify AppStamped Product Reviews & UGC
Average Rating 5 out of 5 4.7 out of 5
Number of Reviews 4 6321
Estimated Installs 0 27445
Min Price $7.90 $0.00
Max Price $49.90 $149.00
Works With Shopify Flow, Klaviyo, Omnisend, Facebook, Instagram, Gorgias, Google Shopping
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