Last Updated:
June 13, 2024

Simplify Ordering with Pre-Order Now: Boost Sales and Increase Efficiency

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Transform your Shopify business with the remarkable functionality of an advanced pre-order management solution. This efficient tool offers not just pre-order management but also aids in launching new items and effectively controlling on-demand products. It guarantees effortless pre-ordering, permitting customers to swiftly obtain their desired items, thus optimizing the shopping experience.

It's more than just a tool; it's a strategic move toward unsurpassed pre-ordering tactics encompassing a range of perks and features. Offering enticing pre-order discounts, this clever feature effortlessly entices your customer base, inspiring repeat business. The highly visible "Available for Pre-order" badge optimally showcases upcoming items, providing much-needed visibility in the era of the crowded digital marketplace.

Looking to ignite excitement and drive sales? This app paves your way through its prominent pre-order buttons and irresistible promotions. This is not merely an app; it's a catalyst engineered to revolutionize your store, fueling it with increased sales and customer satisfaction. Elevate your store's performance and amplify conversion rates with this sophisticated pre-order solution, tailored specifically for ambitious Shopify merchants.


Alerts users when mixed pre-order and in-stock items are in the cart
Automatically apply discounts to pre-orders
Enable collection of partial payments and retrieve balance before shipping
Display stylish pre-order badges on product images
Send automated back in stock email notifications


Increase customer satisfaction by allowing customers to swiftly obtain desired items through effortless pre-ordering
Enhance customer engagement and drive repeat sales with enticing pre-order discounts and highly visible "Available for Pre-order" badges
Maximize sales and boost conversion rates by leveraging prominent pre-order buttons and irresistible promotions

About the Vendor

Website on Demand Studio, LLC
729 Hymettus Ave, Encinitas, CA, 92024, US
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729 Hymettus Ave, Encinitas, CA, 92024, US Map

Works with

Google Analytics, In Cart Upsell, Product Customizer, Trackify X, Pagefly


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26 review in the last 30 days.

26 reviews in the last 30 days.

77 review in the last 90 days.

77 reviews in the last 90 days.

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467 install in the last 30 days.

467 installs in the last 30 days.

1665 install in the last 30 days.

1665 installs in the last 30 days.

Owlfred Review

"Pre‑Order Now WOD" is a highly recommended app with 1301 reviews and an average rating of 4.5. With over 21,002 installs, this app excels in helping Shopify merchants manage pre-orders effectively. The features like Mixed Cart Alerts, Pre Order Discounts, Partial Payments, Stylish Badges, and Back in Stock Notification offer great value for print-on-demand stores looking to boost sales and engage customers. The pricing, ranging from free to $59.95, makes it accessible to different budgets, and compatibility with Google Analytics, In Cart Upsell, and other apps enhances its functionality. Overall, this app is a valuable tool to build anticipation for new products and increase sales seamlessly.

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Copy and paste the provided badge code into your site's HTML. The featured badge links back to this page and the badge itself is an SVG so should scale to wherever you decide to place it!

Frequently Asked Questions

How can pre-order apps benefit Shopify stores?
Pre-order apps like Pre‑Order Now WOD can significantly benefit Shopify stores by allowing customers to order products ahead of their release. This not only secures sales but also helps generate hype and demand for new products. Additionally, it can help stores manage inventory effectively by gauging customer interest in advance.
What advantages does offering pre-order discounts have?
Offering pre-order discounts can be a strategic move to entice customers and ensure repeat business. Discounts make customers feel valued and special, and the prospect of securing a deal can encourage them to commit to a purchase ahead of a product's official release.
How do pre-order badges help in sales?
Pre-order badges like Available for Pre-order enhance product visibility and build anticipation among customers. They indicate that a product is in demand and important, giving potential customers a heads up to secure their order before the product runs out of stock.
How can pre-order apps help with stock alerts?
Pre-order apps can also aid in managing stock alerts. By allowing customers to pre-order, businesses can estimate the demand for a product before it's officially launched. This can help in planning inventory management and avoiding surprises related to out-of-stock situations or overstocking.

Shopify App Comparison: PreOrder Now WOD | PreOrder vs PreOrder Globo | Back in Stock - which is better?

After analyzing the features and benefits of both apps, we can confidently say that both the Pre-Order Now WOD App and the PreOrder Globo | Back in Stock App offer valuable functionality to Shopify merchants. However, there are some key differences that set them apart.

The Pre‑Order Now WOD App focuses on optimizing the pre-ordering process and enhancing the shopping experience. With features like alerts for mixed pre-order and in-stock items in the cart, automatic discount application, and stylish pre-order badges, this app ensures that customers can easily obtain their desired items and are enticed to make repeat purchases. It also offers prominent pre-order buttons and irresistible promotions to drive sales and customer satisfaction. Overall, this app is a strategic tool for merchants looking to revolutionize their store and increase conversion rates.

On the other hand, the PreOrder Globo | Back in Stock App provides a comprehensive solution for managing pre-orders and back-in-stock notifications. It offers advanced capabilities such as easy pre-order buttons, streamlined partial payments, and automatic discounts. Additionally, it enables merchants to customize delivery notes and utilize a "Notify Me" button for out-of-stock products to capture customer interest. The app also integrates with popular platforms like Google Analytics and Mailchimp to enhance marketing strategies. With its focus on customer engagement, prompt notifications, and streamlined management, this app is ideal for merchants looking to build trust, save time, and boost sales.

Based on your specific needs and priorities, we recommend either the Pre‑Order Now WOD App or the PreOrder Globo | Back in Stock App. Both apps offer unique features and benefits that can enhance your Shopify store's performance and improve customer satisfaction. It's important to assess your specific requirements and select the app that aligns best with your goals.

PreOrder Now WOD | PreOrder Shopify AppPreOrder Now WOD | PreOrder
PreOrder Globo | Back in Stock Shopify AppPreOrder Globo | Back in Stock
Average Rating 4.5 out of 5 4.8 out of 5
Number of Reviews 1372 929
Estimated Installs 19473 33750
Min Price $0.00 $0.00
Max Price $59.95 $19.89
Works With Google Analytics, In Cart Upsell, Product Customizer, Trackify X, Pagefly Google Analytics, Mailchimp, Klaviyo, Hubspot, Ominisend, Sendinblue, Weglot, Campaign Monitor, Langify, ActiveCampaign
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