Last Updated:
June 5, 2024

Customize Your Products Like Never Before

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Immerse your customers in a rich shopping experience with the capacity to personalize every facet of their product choices. The SC Product Options app provides a comprehensive solution for product personalization by offering infinite options and variant images for every product. Customize not just with color swatches, but expand your possibilities with text boxes and file upload fields for an extraordinary customer journey.

Branch out from the typical online shopping experience and let your customers truly 'own' their purchases through limitless personalization. Facilitate the addition of individual flair and personal touches to each product - whether through color selection, specific text or unique file uploads.

This tool goes beyond the common functionalities and delivers a user-centric experience that encourages customer interaction. Known in the past as Bold Product Options, this app has been crafted to enhance your Shopify store, leaving an indelible imprint in the crowded e-commerce platform. Create a unique brand portrayal with extensive customization options that lend your store an edge over conventional Shopify stores.


Create unlimited product options fields with advanced conditional logic
Upsell custom products to boost revenue and increase Average Order Value
Support color swatches and variant images for visualizing customizations
Incorporate text boxes and file upload features for customer-provided details
Enhance customer engagement and loyalty with limitless product personalization options


Increase customer engagement and loyalty with limitless product personalization options
Boost revenue and Average Order Value by upselling custom products
Stand out from competitors with color swatches, text boxes, and file upload fields for a unique brand portrayal

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One Kingdom Street, Paddington Central, London, ENG, W2 6BD, GB
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One Kingdom Street, Paddington Central, London, ENG, W2 6BD, GB Map

Works with

Pagefly, Spently, Order Printer, Reorder Master, EComposer


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13 review in the last 30 days.

13 reviews in the last 30 days.

49 review in the last 90 days.

49 reviews in the last 90 days.

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5 install in the last 30 days.

5 installs in the last 30 days.

250 install in the last 30 days.

250 installs in the last 30 days.

Owlfred Review

SC Product Options, formerly known as Bold Product Options, is a top-notch variant option app that helps you elevate your product customization game with over 2500 positive reviews and an impressive average rating of 4.7. With 8133 installs, this app allows you to create unlimited product options fields with advanced conditional logic, upsell custom products, and support color swatches and variant images for enhanced visual customization. Whether you need text boxes or file upload fields, this app has got you covered to make your Shopify store stand out. Plus, it's free to install with optional paid features up to $49.99, making it a valuable tool to boost revenue and customer engagement. Add SC Product Options to your toolkit to take your store to the next level!

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Frequently Asked Questions

How do I personalize the product options with SC Product Options app?
With the SC Product Options app, you can offer infinite options and variant images for every product. You not only have the ability to customize with color swatches but you can also use text boxes and file upload fields which allows for a more comprehensive product personalization.
What differentiates SC Product Options from other common functionalities?
What sets SC Product Options apart is it's user-centric approach which encourages customer interaction. Extending beyond common functionalities, this app facilitates the addition of personal touches to each product, whether it's through color selection, text inclusion or file uploads.
Was SC Product Options previously known as Bold Product Options?
Yes. The app was previously known as Bold Product Options. It continues to deliver the same value under its new name, facilitating a more comprehensive and personalized shopping experience for your customers.
How does SC Product Options give my Shopify store an edge?
SC Product Options allows you to create a unique brand portrayal with its extensive customization options. This lends your store an edge over conventional Shopify stores by facilitating a personalized shopping experience, ultimately leaving an indelible imprint in the e-commerce platform.

Shopify App Comparison: SC Product Options vs Globo Product Options, Variant - which is better?

When comparing the SC Product Options app to the Globo Product Options, it's clear that both apps offer powerful capabilities for product customization. However, the SC Product Options app stands out by providing a more comprehensive solution with advanced conditional logic and support for color swatches and variant images. This not only allows for greater visualizing of customizations but also enhances customer engagement and loyalty. The incorporation of text boxes and file upload features further adds to the extraordinary customer journey, making it a standout option for businesses looking to create a unique brand portrayal.

In contrast, the Globo Product Options app excels in bypassing Shopify's 100 variant cap, allowing for unlimited product customization. By enabling customers to craft their own unique products based on their individual tastes and preferences, businesses can not only encourage customer satisfaction and loyalty but also experience heightened sales. The ability to tie specific option sets to relevant products enhances efficiency and customer experience, making it a beneficial choice for a diverse range of product catalogues.

Overall, both apps offer impressive features and benefits, but we would recommend the SC Product Options app for its comprehensive solution, advanced conditional logic, and support for visualizing customizations. By incorporating text boxes and file upload features, businesses can truly provide a rich shopping experience that encourages customer interaction and sets their store apart from the competition.

SC Product Options Shopify AppSC Product Options
Globo Product Options, Variant Shopify AppGlobo Product Options, Variant
Average Rating 4.7 out of 5 4.8 out of 5
Number of Reviews 2538 2036
Estimated Installs 7985 23464
Min Price $0.00 $0.00
Max Price $49.99 $19.89
Works With Pagefly, Spently, Order Printer, Reorder Master, EComposer Shopify POS , Smart Product Filter & Search, Globo Color Swatches
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