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Last Updated:
June 3, 2024

Track and Analyze Order UTM Sources with Sense UTM Analytics

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Cut through the noise and obtain actionable insights with a high powered analytics tool designed to break down your campaign performance in near-real-time. Fashioned to expertly navigate the challenges brought by iOS14, this app keeps you ahead with precise UTM conversion analytics. No more waiting for days to gauge your order distributions, this app equips you with instantaneous data, ensuring your decision-making process remains unhampered.

Say goodbye to skewed conversion reports. Now, you can witness the impact of your campaigns as they unfold, tracking success and identifying areas of improvement with ease. Deployed to streamline your operations, the app offers an unrivaled clarity of your Shopify orders, enhancing the efficiency of your business strategy and gearing you towards exponential growth. Simplify complex data and expose narratives that empower your enterprise to newer heights.

Informed decision-making is no longer a daunting task. Backed by sophisticated technology, this tool provides a clear and concise understanding of your business dynamics, breathing life into your sales data. Intuitively designed, secure a stronger handle on your marketing performance with this state-of-the-art analytics engine.


Access live UTM conversion insights instantly
Track campaign impact in real-time with visual graphs and statistics
Generate UTM links quickly and easily
Streamline operations with near-real-time order distributions
Simplify complex data to empower informed decision-making


Reduce decision-making time with the app's near-real-time comprehensive campaign analytics
Increase efficiency and effectiveness of marketing operations by using the live insights for continuous improvement
Dramatically improve conversion rate by optimizing marketing strategies based on data insights from UTM conversions.

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Sense Apps
Petah Tikva, Petah Tikva, 4934833, IL
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Hoot hoot! Next up is Sense UTM Analytics, brought to you by Sense Apps. This clever tool is a game-changer for your Shopify store, especially if you've been left dazed and confused by the chaos iOS14 brought to conversion reports. Sense UTM Analytics allows you to track your Shopify orders and UTM conversion analytics nearly in real-time. With 73 glowing reviews averaging a 4.9 out of 5 rating, it's clear that Shopify merchants are loving this app's live and instant insights into their campaign analytics. And who wouldn't be charmed by its clear visual graphs, easy-to-use UTM link generation, and slick statistics based on orders? Plus, with a free plan available and pricing that maxes out at $19.95, it's a real hoot for budget-conscious merchants. Even though it might not have visible installs due to its backend nature, this marketing analytics app comes highly recommended by our feathered review community. Now, who's ready for some serious UTM tracking?

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the significance of UTM codes in marketing analytics?
UTM codes are crucial in marketing analytics as they help in tracking the success of campaigns. They attribute data to specific sources and mediums, thus enabling businesses to understand where their traffic is coming from and which marketing strategies are most effective.
What are the main UTM tracking parameters and what information do they provide?
The four main UTM tracking parameters are source, medium, campaign, and term. Source identifies where the traffic is coming from. Medium indicates the marketing medium used. Campaign identifies the specific campaign, while term is used to track keywords in paid search ads.
How can I utilize UTM codes in my analytics dashboard for better campaign insights?
By tracking UTM codes in your analytics dashboard, you can gain deeper insights into your marketing campaigns. You can observe which source, medium, or campaign is bringing the most traffic or conversions. This allows for accurate campaign evaluation and optimization for better outcomes.
How does the Sense UTM Analytics app help with UTM code tracking?
The Sense UTM Analytics app simplifies the tracking process. It collects UTM data associated with your marketing efforts and provides a detailed analysis in a user-friendly format. This makes it easier for Shopify merchants to monitor campaign performances and make data-driven decisions.

Shopify App Comparison: Sense UTM Analytics vs Lebesgue: Marketing & LTV - which is better?

We have reviewed the Sense UTM Analytics and Lebesgue: Marketing & LTV apps, and both offer powerful analytics capabilities to enhance your business strategy. The Sense UTM Analytics app stands out for its ability to provide near-real-time campaign performance insights. With this app, you can cut through the noise and obtain actionable data instantly, allowing you to make informed decisions backed by clear and concise business dynamics-based insights. Additionally, the app offers a user-friendly interface and visual graphs that streamline operations and provide a stronger handle on your marketing performance. We highly recommend the Sense UTM Analytics app for those who want to stay ahead and accelerate growth.

On the other hand, the Lebesgue: Marketing & LTV app offers comprehensive store analytics and ad performance analysis to unlock the potential of intelligent business analytics. This app goes beyond basic analytics and provides insights from competitor data and overall marketing trends. It also utilizes customer lifetime value (LTV), retention metrics, and P&L analysis to elevate financial reporting and marketing content development. With its interactive KPI dashboard and real-time analytics tracking, this app enables merchants to streamline operations and improve profitability. If you're looking for a tool to optimize your strategies and maximize results, we highly recommend the Lebesgue: Marketing & LTV app.

Sense UTM Analytics Shopify AppSense UTM Analytics
Lebesgue: Marketing & LTV Shopify AppLebesgue: Marketing & LTV
Average Rating 4.9 out of 5 5 out of 5
Number of Reviews 83 114
Estimated Installs 0 0
Min Price $0.00 $0.00
Max Price $19.95 $79.00
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