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Last Updated:
June 5, 2024

Increase AOV and Customize Checkout with Targeted Upsells

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Streamline your checkout process and enhance sales revenue with the effortless integration of checkout upsells. UpsellPlus Checkout Upsells creates a seamless shopping experience for your customers, encouraging them to explore subscription options that symbolize continuous value. Drive up customer retention rates and amplify repeat purchases by integrating persuasive upselling techniques into your checkout.

This app elegantly combines the power of customized upselling with the efficiency of automation. With ShopBrain technology, each checkout can be dynamically personalized, ensuring that every visitor is presented with upsells that complement their chosen products. UpsellPlus adds a layer of customization that allows for hydroponic growth in the average order value by implementing strategic order bumps.

With a keen focus on boosting revenue, this software application showcases its ability to capitalize on impulse purchases while promoting customer loyalty. UpsellPlus Checkout Upsells positions itself as a dexterous tool in the e-commerce toolbox to navigate the terrain of upselling with finesse and precision.


Customize your checkout, cart, and post-purchase page with personalized upsells
Upsell one-time purchases to subscriptions for increased recurring revenue
A/B test checkout upsells for optimal performance
Display upsells based on specific conditions and rules
Integrate seamlessly with multiple checkout systems for versatility and efficiency


Increase average order value by presenting personalized upsells at checkout
Encourage repeat purchases and boost customer loyalty through seamless upselling techniques
Streamline the checkout process and enhance sales revenue with automated upsells

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55 Water St, Floor 3, Brooklyn, NY, 11201, US
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Checkout , Recharge, Skio, Appstle, Smartrr, Recurpay, Seal Subscriptions


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Owlfred Review

UpsellPlus Checkout Upsells is a top-rated app with a perfect 5-star average rating from 64 reviews, helping 134 merchants customize their checkout process to boost Average Order Value (AOV) with strategic upsells. Priced between $49 and $299 per month, this app integrates well with popular platforms like Checkout, Recharge, and Skio, offering features like personalized upsells, subscription transitions, A/B testing, and rule-based targeting to drive sales. With its focus on upselling and cross-selling, this app from UpsellPlus comes highly recommended for merchants looking to enhance their store's revenue potential through targeted post-purchase offers and add-ons.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is AOV and how can I improve it on Shopify?
AOV or Average Order Value is the average amount that customers spend when they place an order on your Shopify store. You can improve it by offering bundle deals, establishing a reward points system, or using upselling techniques like recommending higher value products or suggesting related add-ons.
How can UpsellPlus Checkout Upsells help in increasing my AOV?
UpsellPlus Checkout Upsells can assist by recommending products that are perfect additions to what the customer has already added to their cart. It uses intelligent algorithms to suggest relevant, higher priced items, potentially boosting your AOV.
How can targeted upselling be achieved using UpsellPlus?
With UpsellPlus, targeted upselling is achieved by using customer data to recommend items that are likely to appeal to the customer based on their shopping history or items in their current cart. This makes the upsell more personalised and likely to result in a purchase.
What are some effective methods to improve upselling techniques?
Effective methods to improve upselling techniques include understanding your customers and their needs, offering product upgrades or add-ons, giving customers a reason or incentive to buy more, and using tailored software like UpsellPlus to automate and optimise the upselling process.

Shopify App Comparison: UpsellPlus Checkout Upsells vs ReConvert Post Purchase Upsell - which is better?

When comparing the capabilities of UpsellPlus Checkout Upsells and ReConvert Post Purchase Upsell, both apps excel in their ability to optimize post-purchase experiences and increase revenue. However, UpsellPlus Checkout Upsells stands out with its focus on automation and customization. The app utilizes ShopBrain technology to dynamically personalize each checkout, ensuring that customers are presented with upsells that complement their chosen products. This level of customization, combined with strategic order bumps, allows for hydroponic growth in the average order value. With a keen focus on boosting revenue and promoting customer loyalty, UpsellPlus Checkout Upsells positions itself as a dexterous tool in the e-commerce toolbox.

On the other hand, ReConvert Post Purchase Upsell offers a comprehensive set of functionalities beyond just upselling. It provides a highly customizable conversion-focused upsell funnel and adaptable checkout blocks. Additionally, the app enables the collection of valuable customer data and the implementation of enticing bundle-style cross-sell offers. ReConvert Post Purchase Upsell focuses on driving deliberate consumer actions and creating a cycle of reinvestment that boosts profit margins and sets new sales records. With its ability to enhance customer engagement and increase repeat purchases, this app proves to be a valuable partner in thriving and scaling your business in the competitive Shopify marketplace.

In conclusion, both UpsellPlus Checkout Upsells and ReConvert Post Purchase Upsell offer impressive capabilities to optimize post-purchase experiences and increase customer value rate (CVR). However, UpsellPlus Checkout Upsells' emphasis on automation and customization, combined with strategic order bumps, makes it a powerful tool for boosting revenue and promoting customer loyalty. On the other hand, ReConvert Post Purchase Upsell provides a comprehensive set of functionalities, including the collection of customer data and the implementation of enticing cross-sell offers, making it an excellent choice for driving deliberate consumer actions and increasing profit margins. Based on their individual strengths, we would recommend both apps for businesses looking to enhance their post-purchase experiences and increase revenue.

UpsellPlus Checkout Upsells Shopify AppUpsellPlus Checkout Upsells
ReConvert Post Purchase Upsell Shopify AppReConvert Post Purchase Upsell
Average Rating 4.9 out of 5 4.9 out of 5
Number of Reviews 73 4595
Estimated Installs 133 17026
Min Price $49.00 $0.00
Max Price $299.00 $14.99
Works With Checkout , Recharge, Skio, Appstle, Smartrr, Recurpay, Seal Subscriptions Shopify Flow, Checkout , 17Track track order tracking, Klaviyo Email & SMS Marketing, SMSbump SMS Marketing by Yotpo, Rebuy Personalization Engine, Loox Stamped Alireviews Review, One Click Upsell Funnel
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